Science is Everywhere!


Oh Dread!  How boring to have to sit here and have to listen to that science teacher go on and on about that stupid science stuff!  Sound familiar?

At one time we all had to suffer through those dull subject matter lectures.  Science is found everywhere in our lives and is much more fun if you look for it.

Something that we have to do everyday is prepare meals.  Cooking is simply chemistry.  When frying eggs, we can see what happens when proteins are heated and stressed.  Baking demonstrates chemical changes.  A salad is an example of a mixture.  Eating nutritious meals and snack is applying good health knowledge and besides, its good for us, too.

Did you know that squeezing toothpaste out of the tube is applying Pascal’s principle?  Understanding Newton’s laws of motion improve sports skills.  We find simple machines everywhere from doorknobs to kitchen utensils to the tool in the toolbox.

Have you listened to the news lately?  Biology in the forms of forensic science, ecology, pathology and genetics is part of many of the breaking news stories.

A great way to relax is in front of the TV.  While sitting there, letting the TV entertain you, check out these channels: Discovery, Animal Planet, National Geographic Channel, Discovery Science.  All of these have programs from many science disciplines and the programming is not that old boring lecture stuff.

Don’t forget the internet.  Some good sources of sites in science are: the TV channels listed above, publishers of science textbooks such as Glencoe.com, authors such as millerandlevine.com, government organizations such as NASA, Tennessee Energy Commission and science suppliers such as Flinn Scientific

Science is everywhere in our lives.  It is the basis of many of our daily activities.  Frankly, we just could not exist without it.  So just relax, and enjoy science!



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